We left much later than I hoped. The plan was to have a 5:00 a.m. departure. The actual departure time was closer to 8:00 a.m. but you have that type of flexibility when you are road tripping.

As with all of our other road trips, we are cruising in our 2008 Chevrolet Malibu. Here’s our first (almost) on-the-road pic.

Yes, it is 84 degrees just before 8:00 and we have a lot of miles on our car. But what is the use of having a car if it’s not driven, heh? We take care of it and it takes care of us.

Our first stop today, was to the only National Parks Service facility that is associated with a school, Little Rock Central High School. We learned so much about the Little Rock Nine and the Civil Rights Movement and how the culmination of the events of Plessy V. Ferguson,  Brown V. Board of Education Topeka, the murder of Emmett Till, and Montgomery Bus Boycott, strengthen the resolve of these nine students and their families to endure the insults and beatings for the sake of equal opportunity.

We also learned that the national attention of the events at the intersection of South Park Street and W 14th Street in Little Rock was a catalyst for other young people to make their voice heard and lead change. What a powerful message for our children to hear at the onset of our journey!

Believe it or not, this was not a planned stopped but I believe it was an appointed one.


Our other impromptu stop was just a few miles away, the William J. Clinton Presidential Library. We didn’t take a tour because we spent a little too much time, about 1.5 hours, at Little Rock Central High School and remember we already started 3 hours behind. So we just took a few pics and headed to our hotel in Knoxville,TN.

That’s all for today. Sleep well…we plan to, just like our boy, Doug.