Today we have been blessed with tears from heaven, pretty much all day long.


Mostly of Ben and Judah. As mentioned in an earlier post, they have been spending their time at Hunger First.

At Hunger First, they meet the most basic of needs for all who enter including, food, clothing and counseling.

Ben and Judah have spent much of their time cleaning and organizing a storage closet which will be used as a day center. Here are before and during clean-up pics. An after pic is forthcoming.

The most exciting task for this father-son pair was working in a bathroom installing a new toilet and flooring. Here are a few work-in-progress pics.


I mentioned in an earlier post that each team has daily chores. Janea and I were too busy working to get our chores completed to take pics. My 5-member team is comprised of 2 adults and 3 children, ages 13, 11 and 10. So when it’s chore time, it is all hands on deck. Ben and Judah’s team has 8 members, 2 adults too and Judah is the youngest. The remaining 5 members of Ben’s team are teenagers who range in the age of 15 to 18 years. So Ben’s team can get their chores, which are not adjusted for group size or age range, done more quickly than us.

Here are pics of the Bathhouse chores. Look at Judah work. I can’t wait to take this Chore Master back home.

Although we have the same chores assigned, Janea and I had different ministry responsibilities than Ben and Judah. Janea and I visited and engaged with the elderly. We sang, played games and share stories with Linda, Brenda, Jeannie, Jim, John, Jess and many others at Brookhaven. But unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures or even use our mobile phones in the nursing home.

Being at Brookhaven has really blessed me. One of the residents is my age and is wheel-chair bound. Of her 3 siblings, one is still alive and visits with her on Mondays. She sees her 2 sons occasionally and her 3 grandchildren less than that. Oh, how much I take for granted. Thank you God for this humbling experience. I pray I forever live with an attitude of gratitude.

Today was our last day to visit Oasis. A cabinmate of ours donated handmade baby blankets to this women’s day center. Here’s pic of Shantal, the director of Oasis, and Janea and Laila, 2 members of our 5-person team.

We have been able to do some chores like clean grout, organize salon and shower areas, and mend a broken drawer. We had minimal interaction with the guests of Oasis but we did make jewelry with school-aged Sierra, read to diaper-wearing Jackson, and hang-out with Sherry who will transition from homelessness to an apartment on Friday. Praise Him!

Tomorrow is our last day of ministry. I am looking for to sharing and celebrating with you.