2018 Summer Vacation

Second Leg

Today we drove for about 10 hours from Duffield, Virginia to Ontario, Canada. More specifically, Niagara Falls, ON. If we had more time, we would have visited places along the way like Civil War memorials in Virginia or West Virginia. Or maybe we could have taken a tour of the Pro Football Hall of  Fame, which we passed in Canton, Ohio. We could have stopped and eaten authentic Buffalo wings in Buffalo, New York. Well, Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

Duffield, VA – Final Days

We have truly grown on our first ever family mission trip. I do not think this will be our last. I hope our children will remember their experience and live what they have learned – how to serve others for His glory. I know I was  humbly blessed. While Benjamin and Judah were installing toilets, distributing food and making room for a homeless day center, Janea and I merely painted fingernails and played games at Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

Duffield, VA – Day 3

Today we have been blessed with tears from heaven, pretty much all day long. WE HAVE MINISTRY PICS! Mostly of Ben and Judah. As mentioned in an earlier post, they have been spending their time at Hunger First. At Hunger First, they meet the most basic of needs for all who enter including, food, clothing and counseling. Ben and Judah have spent much of their time cleaning and organizing a storage closet which will be Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

Duffield, VA – Any Day

Good morning F&F (family & friends)! I am currently in the Bathhouse were there is electricity typing an apology for not writing yesterday. I attempted but Windows started a time consuming update last night just as I began to write. So I just left the updated running and went to bed. (“Lights out” is at10:00 p.m.) This morning I will share with you some pics of where we have been lodging for the past few Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

Duffield Virginia – Day 1

We have completed our first full day of ministry. Ben and Judah were fairly busy sorting clothes and sorting and distributing food at Hunger First in Kingsport, TN. Tomorrow they are supposed to install a toilet there. What? Wait. Tennessee? Yes, Tennessee. Pastor Bo at Grace Community Fellowship has been lead to have this church be a proving ground of sorts for missionaries. So, he has built mission-styled cabins, i.e. no electricity and no plumbing, Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

Knoxville Tennessee

We had a brief stay in Knoxville. Just enough to get a good night’s sleep and a hot breakfast in preparation for the end of the first leg of our journey. Before we left though, we took in just a few sites in beautiful, historic Knoxville. At our first stop,  we find this man among all sorts of vegetation and their “roots.” Yes, we found Alex Haley. Of course our curious kids just had to Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

And We’re Off…

We left much later than I hoped. The plan was to have a 5:00 a.m. departure. The actual departure time was closer to 8:00 a.m. but you have that type of flexibility when you are road tripping. As with all of our other road trips, we are cruising in our 2008 Chevrolet Malibu. Here’s our first (almost) on-the-road pic. Yes, it is 84 degrees just before 8:00 and we have a lot of miles on Read more…

By K Oduor, ago
2018 Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation 2018

This summer we are spending our summer vacation on a road trip. We are again heading east. Our last trip east went as far as Maine, where we toured the National Mall in DC, met up with family and friends in Maryland and Boston, visited the Liberty Bell and spent a week in the serene beauty of Medomak Family Camp. But enough about trips past, at least for now. We are heading to Duffield, Virginia. What’s Read more…

By K Oduor, ago