This summer we are spending our summer vacation on a road trip. We are again heading east. Our last trip east went as far as Maine, where we toured the National Mall in DC, met up with family and friends in Maryland and Boston, visited the Liberty Bell and spent a week in the serene beauty of Medomak Family Camp. But enough about trips past, at least for now.

We are heading to Duffield, Virginia.

What’s in Duffield? Evidently a Hardee’s, Duffield Daze and Grace Community Fellowship Church, which will be hosting our family, and other families, on a mission trip. I have had a few meetings with the on-site coordinator to gather a few details on what this 5-day mission will entail. It seems Janea and I will share with others at a women’s shelter while Ben and Judah will work on construction jobs for the elderly.

How did I find this opportunity? Google. Yes, blame Google. We are serving through an organization in Georgia, Adventures in Missions. I hope this is not the first of such “adventures.” My prayer is that we grow collectively as a family and individually through service to His people.

More to share in the upcoming days.


Joe Ho · July 29, 2018 at 3:10 pm

What’s up, COO? You sure you aren’t part CEO? Glad to hear of this trip, especially when I hear there’s a Hardee’s nearby. Pls don’t try their breakfast chicken biscuit, because it will ruin you for any future Chick-fil-a biscuits!

    K Oduor · July 29, 2018 at 6:01 pm

    Joe, I can’t say I have completely trusted your taste buds.
    You are 1 for 2. Muir Woods was on point but In-and-Out is still better out than in.
    I will take you up on the “Chicken Biscuit Challenge.” Expect a full report soon.

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