Good morning F&F (family & friends)!

I am currently in the Bathhouse were there is electricity typing an apology for not writing yesterday. I attempted but Windows started a time consuming update last night just as I began to write. So I just left the updated running and went to bed. (“Lights out” is at10:00 p.m.)

This morning I will share with you some pics of where we have been lodging for the past few days. As we drive into the facility, we know we are in the right place with a huge cross in a clearing and a sign pointing us in the right directions:

Here are a few pics of the sanctuary. In the last photo you can see the bath house to the left. (Where I am now.)

On the property is a pretty cool cave that we walked to and Ben and I later explored with a few others (who were NOT our less adventurous kids). Here is Ben standing at the entrance:

There is also a flowing stream of fresh water from deep in the cave that used to source the drinking water for the sanctuary. Here are a few more pics from near the entrance of the cave:

Lastly, some more pics of God’s created beauty. (Not shown are the copper head snake and the frolicking bear cub, which were spotted yesterday by Not-The-Oduors. Praise Him!)

I’ll continue to keep you “posted.”


Aunt Marie · August 1, 2018 at 5:09 pm

Thanks for sharing!

What a beautiful part of the world. May you have a dynamite week.

    K Oduor · August 1, 2018 at 8:42 pm

    Thanks.So far, your desire has been fulfilled.

Liz Oduor · August 3, 2018 at 12:48 pm

This is truly beautiful, very picturesque, the handiwork of God our heavenly Father. You are indeed adventurous. The entrance to that cave is very dark, I would be scared to even dare go inside. Did you have a flashlight to see inside? Love the pictures. What a blessing to do mission work as a family and have fun and even learn historic stuff along the way. God bless you as you touch other people’s lives. Looking forward to seeing the next post. Safe travels 🚗🚗🚗

    K Oduor · August 3, 2018 at 8:11 pm

    There was plenty of sunlight at the entrance. The beginning of dark was about 3 yards away from the first bend. That’s where you can go and turn your flash light and/or head lamp off (we had both) and experience true complete darkness.

    Ben and I walked almost a 10-minute-walk in the cave with a our co-leaders and 12 year-old Sarah. Through the cracks and creavices of the slick, muddy floor, we could see an underground “lake” In the distance, we could hear the waterfalls that sourced the “lake” and the fresh water stream that flowed on the property.

    Another opportunity to be awed by His wonderous creativty.

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