On our last day at Niagara Falls, we walked all the way back to the States across Rainbow Bridge and took a few snapshots along the way.


Our destination was back to the Niagara Falls State Park in New York to ride the Maid of the Mist. Similar to the Hornblower in Ontario, it took us within the mist of Horseshoe Falls. However, I was a little wiser and took a different position on the boat. Instead of viewing the Falls from the top deck and taking on the full blast of the spray, I went to a lower deck and was able to sneak a few shots with our not-waterproof Nikon camera. I hope you enjoy these as your up-close-personal-Niagara-Falls-less-a-plastic-poncho experience.

Here is a photo of the boat, which was used to rescue Roger WoodwardĀ  in 1960 who accidently fell into the water. He was 7 years old and has been the only person to survive an unintentional dip in the waters.


The American Falls.

Bridal Falls with the folks taking the Cave of the Wind tour.

Horseshoe Falls. It was too wet to take any closer photos. Partly because I was afraid of water damage to the camera but mostly because I couldn’t see well due to mist and my water-droplet-covered glasses.

The observation deck which housed the elevators used to descend to the dock.

A view from the observation deck.

If ever you decide to visit Niagara Falls I recommend visiting both sides of the Falls but if you could only visit one, go to Ontario. The New York side has very limited visibility to the Horseshoe Falls and Bridal Falls, and the angle of your view of the American Falls limits to only seeing a sideview of the cascade versus a full frontal view from Ontario.

If you were torn between the Hornblower boat ride and the Maid of the Mist, ride the Maid of the Mist. The ride seemed a bit longer, you are able to view the Falls from a unique vantage point on the observation deck and you can travel up along side the American Falls.

We truly overjoyed with our visit to Niagara Falls. We left in the afternoon to head back to the States. Just in case you were wondering, they did let us back in. Although, we were sure not to enter in to the States at the same border. Just kidding. We travelled across Ontario to the Michigan border to stop and visit family. I would post a pic of our reunion, of sort, but I promised Aunt Paulette I would not put her picture on the internet.

We would have arrived about 30 minutes sooner but someone, whose name I won’t mention

, had to stop and get poutine before we left. I never heard of this dish but it is fries covered with a bunch of stuff. We stopped at B & B Taps & Grill in Sanaria, Ontario just before crossing over the Blue Water Bridge to satisfy his heart’s desire.


Joseph Ho · August 16, 2018 at 3:43 pm

Travelling is 97.2% about eating, 2.5% about seeing and doing things, and 0.3% is everything else and unimportant.

    K Oduor · August 28, 2018 at 12:11 am

    I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll be sure to add more food pics for your pleasure. I still haven’t tried the Hardee’s chicken biscuit but it is on my “Must Haves” list.

Keyasha Roberson · August 28, 2018 at 12:48 am

I must agree the Canada side of the falls is the best.šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€

    K Oduor · August 28, 2018 at 4:06 am

    The Canada side is really a tourist center too. The State side is just a big park with restaurants nearby but Canada has really made the falls a scenic family-friendly tourist area and you pay for it in tourists taxes too. I think our restaurant bills had 3 lines of taxes.

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